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Meaning of Computer, What is computer?

 What is Computer? To understand the computer, firstly we have to understand data, process, information, and program. Data It is  raw fact or unstructured this which has no meaning.  Process It is step by step solution of any problem. Informtion It is processed data. It is in structured form and understandable thing. When data is processed then data becomes information because after process, meaning of data is found thus we cannot say that it is data thus that is called information.  Computer Computer is an electronic machine which takes data from user and convert into information. Any electronic machine which process data is called computer. Initially, it is made for calculating but now it is using everywhere like video editiong, scientific and engineering applications, business to store data, online services etc. thus now a days we cannot say that computer is a calculating machine therefore, we called computer is a machine which process the data and everything is data. Photos, vid